Sneezing & Snuffles

During fall/winter, we find a lot of bunnies get sneezy and runny noses.  We see bunnies who sneeze up to 1 whole minute, so hard that their whole bodies shake. It can be very difficult to watch and seems uncomfortable for the bunnies.

It’s important to see your veterinarian. Sneezing fits and snuffly noses can be caused by many things, some of which require medication (for example, antibiotics) to treat.

Things to ask your vet:

  1. Does my bunny have an infection?

  2. Could these symptoms be related to a tooth issue, and should we get a head X-ray to check? Some bunnies with tooth issues can get runny noses or dirty drool that causes them to sneeze or rub their paws on their noses. If your bunny has crusty front paws, this may be why.

  3. Could my bunny be allergic to something, like the hay that I use? In some cases people try alternative hays or orchard grass if they or the bunnies are allergic.

  4. Do you think that nebulizing treatments could help my bunny?

Things we have done to help our bunnies:

Use the links on this page to buy the products and Amazon will donate a small amount of the purchase price to Special Bunny.

Quercetin: sprinkle a little pinch on a treat to make sure he gets the full amount.  We use a little slice of banana. 

NHV products, there are several for immune booster and a new one for senior rabbits.  Any of the product’s list for cats/and or rabbits are great to use.  Usually, a few drops, twice a day. Click the image to purchase from NHV.


Ear Infections


Acupuncture for Rabbits