Remembering our dear friend and supporter Patti Polinsky
Patti and her husband Dave were friends of our rescue and our board members long before Special Bunny even started. Patti helped us learn so much about house rabbit care and offered a warm and loving home to countless rescue bunnies over the years. She donated her time, her money, and her love endlessly. Her abundant garden was mostly for her furry friends. For years, every Saturday, Patti would prowl the University Farmer’s Market and come home with bags and bags of delicious carrot tops. Every Sunday, volunteers would meet Dave to hear a few bad jokes and collect the bags to bring to our grateful shelter buns. We miss Patti terribly as a friend and fellow rescuer and bun-addict. We will keep her in our thoughts forever. If there is a Rainbow Bridge, and we hope there is, we’re pretty sure she got clobbered by a huge crowd of delighted bunny rabbits the moment she arrived.
Read more about Patti and her many other passions.
Donate to Special Bunny in Patti’s memory.